Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pats select Michal Poletin

Photo: http://www.hc-slavia.cz

From Rod's blog http://rodpedersen.blogspot.com/
Regina, Saskatchewan – They had to wait most of the day, but with the 59th pick of the 2009 CHL Import Draft, the Regina Pats are proud to select left winger, Michal Poletin from HC Slavia Praha of the U-20 Czech Extraliga.

In 2008-09 Poletin picked up 18 goals and 16 assists in 46 games. He was also the captain of the Czech U-18 team at the World Championships this past spring in Fargo, North Dakota.

Michal Poletin
Born June 9th, 1991
6’3” 210 Lbs.,
Shoots: Left
HC Slavia Praha 46gp 18g 16a 34pts
Team Czech (U-18 WC) 6gp 1g 2a 3pts 2pim -2+/-
NHL Draft: Eligible 2010

Most scouting reports have Poletin pegged more as a North American style player who has the skills to be an asset on specialty teams. He doesn’t shy away from the corners, possesses a huge shot and is excellent in front of the net.
From an August 18th Hockey News article Kelowna Rocket D-man Collin Bowman had this to say about Poletin:
Michal Poletin, LW, Czech Republic: “Great with the puck and really looked like a smart player who could find the open man,” Bowman said. Poletin plays for Slavia Praha and is draft eligible in 2009.
Here's a link to his profile from Slavia Praha's website (it isn't in English): Poletin's Profile
From Czech Hockey... Yet another non-English link: http://www.hokej.cz

Michal Poletín (HC Slavia Praha)
03.04.09 | Autor: Václav Jáchim
Umí být tvrdý, dokáže vybojovat kotouče, tlačí se do koncovky. Michal Poletím splňuje nároky na moderní útočníky, v pražské Slavii vyrostl ve velmi perspektivního hokejistu. Jeden z kmenových hráčů ročníku 1991 zvládl během sezony většinu akcí reprezentační osmnáctky, nechyběl ani ve výběru pro mistrovství světa ve Spojených státech. "Chtěl bych domů přivést úspěch," řekl Poletín před odletem za Atlantik. V dalších sezonách touží neustále stoupat. "Tajně sním o NHL, jenže to je strašně daleko. Pořád stojím teprve na začátku," doplnil sympaticky.

As I don't speak or read Czech I found an internet translator and it loosely translates into and makes little to no sense:

It can be hard, can win wheels, pushed to the end. Michal Fly meets modern demands for attackers, in Prague Slavia grew in a very promising hokejistů. One of ordinary players managed during the year 1991 season the most representative of eighteen, one was in the selection for the World Championships in the United States. "I'd like to bring home success," said Poletín before leaving for the Atlantic. In other seasons ever want to climb. "Secretly dreaming about the NHL, but it is awfully far away. Still standing still at the beginning," added likeable.

There appears to be a Q & A with him in the story and I will post both the Czech and English "translation" next:

1) Hokejové začátky? "S hokejem jsem začínal ve čtyřech letech. Věnoval jsem se také golfu, bavil mě tenis. Ale k hokeji jsem měl nejblíž. Třeba i proto, že táta byl jedním ze sponzorů Slavie, má hokej moc rád."

2) Oblíbení trenéři? "Určitě pan Růžička, také Jiří Kalous nebo Josef Turek. Každý trenér mi něčím pomohl, bylo by jich víc."

3) Nejhezčí hokejové zážitky? "Asi druhé místo se slávistickým dorostem, které jsme v extralize vybojovali před dvěma lety."

4) Co vás nejvíc zarmoutilo? "Nejspíš nic. Zranění jsem zatím naštěstí neměl, což hned musím zaklepat."

5) Čeho se nejvíc bojíte? "Na ledě zranění, v soukromí mám strach o zdraví svých blízkých."

6) Co vás dokáže naštvat? "Při zápase, když se nedaří. A jinak? Vadí mi lidé, kteří lžou a pomlouvají. Nebo závidí."

7) Sledujete politiku? "Ne, vůbec."

8) Oblíbení herci, herečky? "Z herců by to byli Will Smith nebo Jackie Chan. Rád se podívám i na české filmy. Moc rád mám Pelíšky - to je klasika."

9) Jakou posloucháte muziku? "Je mi to jedno, nemám vyhraněný žánr. Stačí mi puštěné rádio."

10) Zamilované zvíře? "Pes. Doma máme dva, jmenují se Alan a Alt. Jeden je bavorský barvář, druhý bender teriér."

11) Oblíbená barva? "Červená a bílá."

12) Představa o ideální dovolené? "Loni jsem byl na Floridě a na Kanárských ostrovech, vysněnou destinaci na dovolenou nemám. Nejraději odpočívám tam, kde je teplo. A kde mohu být s rodinou."

13) Vysněný automobil? "Ještě nemám řidiíčský průkaz, měl bych si ho dodělat v červnu. Moje první auto by mohlo být střední třídy, pokud bych si měl jednou vybrat, zvolil bych třeba audi nebo bmw. Ale to je hlavně otázka peněz."

14) Co vám chutná? "Před zápasy kuřecí maso, jinak klasická česká jídla od mamky. Například vepřo knedlo zelo. K pití jablečný džus."

15) Kdo je vaším hokejovým agentem? "Agenta nemám."

16) Jaké čtete noviny a časopisy, sledujete internet? "Z novin čtu Sport a Blesk, na internetu jsem pravidelně. Sleduju veškeré novinky."

17) Jaké typy žen se vám líbí, máte přítelkyni? "Přítelkyni mám, jmenuje se Nela. Dívka mě musí zaujmout, měla by být nečím přitažlivá."

18) Jste pověrčivý? "Ani ne. Pokud mi vyjde zápas, příště si zkusím vzpomenout, co jsem dělal minule. A občas něco napodobím. Ale vážné rituály nemám, zbytečně by svazovaly."

19) Záliby? "Studuju druhý ročník gymnazia, takže se dost věnuju škole. Když mám čas, zajdu si zahrát golf, tenis. Nebo někam vyrazím s přítelkyní. Také miluju les. Táta je myslivec, vztah k lesu jsem získal díky němu."

20) Hokejové cíle? "Chtěl bych se dostat na mistrovství světa osmnáctiletých a tam získat úspěch. Tajně myslím na NHL, ovšem to je strašně daleko. Jednou bych chtěl v hokeji uspět, teď stojím teprve na začátku."

Vizitka Michala Poletína:

Klub: HC Slavia Praha
Pozice: útočník
Narozen: 9. června 1991
Číslo dresu: v klubu 5, v reprezentační osmnáctce 8
Výška/váha: 190 cm, 96 kg
Hůl: L
Premiéra v nejvyšší soutěži: extraligu dospělých dosud nehrál
Dřívější kluby: odchovanec pražské Slavie, v jiných klubech dosud nepůsobil
Reprezentace: nastupuje v mládežnických výběrech, je členem kádru letošní osmnáctky

English "translation":

1) Hockey beginnings? "With hockey, I started in four years. He also, I golf, I enjoyed tennis. But I had to suicide nearer. Maybe because my dad was one of the sponsors of Slavie, is much like hockey."

2) Favorite coaches? "Certainly, Mr. Ruzicka, also Jiri Kalous or Josef Turek. Every coach has helped me with something, it would be more of them."

3) The most beautiful hockey experience? "I think second place is slávistickým adolescents that we extralize fought two years ago."

4) What do you most sorry? "Probably nothing. Injuries fortunately I have not, which now have to knock."

5) What is the most fear? "On the ice injuries in the privacy of health I am worried about their relatives."

6) What can you get mad? "In the struggle, when wrong. And otherwise? Does it bother me, people who lie and pomlouvají. Or jealous."

7) following the policy? "No, not at all."

8) Favorite actors, actresses? "For the actors it would have been Will Smith or Jackie Chan. I look to Czech films. Very glad I Pelíšky - this is classic."

9) What are listening to music? "I don 't care, I do not have the strong genre. Just me a radio."

10) Love animals? "Pet. At home we have two, my name is Alan and Alt. One is the Bavarian barvář second Bender terrier."

11) Favorite color? "Red and White."

12) The idea of an ideal vacation? "Last year I was in Florida and the Canary Islands, dream destination for holiday nemám. Prefer resting where it is warm. And where can I be with his family."

13) dream car? "Do not have řidiíčský license, I should finish it in June. My first car would be middle class if he would like to choose one, I chose to be Audi or BMW. But this is mainly a question of money."

14) What you find? "Before the fighting chicken, otherwise classic Czech dishes from mom. For example, pork and dumplings with sauerkraut. To drink apple juice."

15) Who is your ice hockey agent? "I do not Agent."

16) What you can read newspapers and magazines, watching the Internet? "From the newspapers I read the Sports and Lightning, I am regularly on the Internet. Watching the news."

17) What types of women you like, you have a girlfriend? "I have a girlfriend, named Nela. Girl you must take, it should be something attractive."

18) Are you superstitious? "Not really. If I will match, next time you try to remember what I did last time. And sometimes something napodobím. But I do not have serious rituals, svazovaly unnecessarily."

19) Hobbies? "Study the second year of school, so take enough school. When I have time, go play golf, tennis. Or we leave somewhere with my girlfriend. Also, the love. My father is a gamekeeper, relationship to the forest I got through it."

20) Hockey objectives? "I'd like to get to the World Cup osmnáctiletých and there to get success. Secretly think the NHL, but it is awfully far away. One, I want to succeed at suicide, now stand only at the beginning."

Business Card Michael Poletína:

Club: HC Slavia Prague
Position: attacker
Born: 9 June 1991
Number jerseys: the club 5, the representative osmnáctce 8
Height / weight: 190 cm, 96 kg
Rod: L
Premiere in the competition: extraliga adults have played
Former clubs: odchovanec Slavia Prague, in other clubs so far does not
Representation: youth comes in the selection, is a member of personnel this year eighteen

Edit July 2: LeaderPost article re: Poletin


2009 Import Draft

As I have really no clue as to who is going to get picked I probably won't be watching this draft as closely as the bantam/NHL drafts. Also the Pats aren't set to select until late afternoon (assuming the times are Eastern.... don't pick until 5:10pm) unless something happens.

But for those of you that want to follow the draft you can find it here: http://chl.ca/importDraft.php

Speaking of the late pick (59th) here is an LP article by Greg Harder (expanded from his blog post).... Pats dealing with late pick. Sounds like Parker is going to try get get an earlier pick but that may or may not happen.


Monday, June 29, 2009

I did it....

I had to do it..... so I switched the look of my blog. My blog is fairly new and doing such a radical change maybe wasn't necessary but I was tired of reading white text on a blue background (so many blogs looked similar and thought the change was necessary. To be honest I really like the look of my blog and hopefully everyone reading this agrees with me.


Rich Preston to GM Hurricanes

Rod Pedersen and Pat Siedlecki are both reporting that former Pat player and coach Rich Preston will be hired by the Lethbridge Hurricanes as GM (and head coach?).

Pat Siedlecki's blog... http://canesbroadcaster.blogspot.com/

Rod's blog.... http://rodpedersen.blogspot.com/

All I have to say is..... great move by the 'Canes.


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Quick note....

I'm thinking about doing an overhaul to the look of The Blueliner..... So if you happen to stop by in the near future it may just look a bit or completely different (I'm not too fond of the white on blue colour scheme).



Pats preparing for import draft

Greg Harder's been a busy fellow today with his blog. He brings up a few good points about the Pats at the import draft and the futures of the Pats' current Imports.... Cerveny (not coming back) and Hricina.



Pats are looking for a 2nd assistatnt

From Greg Harder's blog (Slap Shots - link at right).

But I thought I would post a direct link to the article. There is some interesting tidbits in the post..... http://communities.canada.com/reginaleaderpost/blogs/slapshots/archive/2009/06/28/pats-searching-for-second-assistant.aspx


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Mitchell drafted by Caps


Mitchell a Capital


Montreal, Quebec – The Regina Pats are proud to have forward Garrett Mitchell selected in the 6th round, 175th overall in the 2009 NHL Entry Draft by the Washington Capitals.

Mitchell, a Regina native, completed his 2nd season with the blue and white, collecting 10 goals and 5 assist for 15 points, while amassing 140 penalty minutes. He has also had success away from the Pats. Mitchell was a member of Canada’s U-18 team that won gold in last summer’s Ivan Hlinka Memorial tournament, and was also a part of the U-18 club that placed 4th at this past spring’s World Championships in Fargo, North Dakota.

Regina Pat players have had a great history at the NHL Entry Draft. Since 1994, a member of the blue and white has been selected every year except for one, 2004. During that span a total of 34 players have had their dreams come true by getting selected by an NHL club.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Rowat & Leffler re-enter NHL draft pool

A really good article by Greg Harder on the LP website on Rowat and Leffler's thoughts on the draft and what they will possibly be up to next year.

The story can be found here: Pats players enter NHL draft a second time

I wish them both luck but the odds seem to be stacked against them. Two former Pats have been drafted twice:

Stu Grimson
Selected by Detroit Red Wings round 10 #186 overall 1983 NHL Entry Draft
Selected by Calgary Flames round 7 #143 overall 1985 NHL Entry Draft

Boyd Kane
Selected by Pittsburgh Penguins round 3 #72 overall 1996 NHL Entry Draft
Selected by New York Rangers round 4 #114 overall 1998 NHL Entry Draft

With that being said.... anything is possible.


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Pats release tentative schedule


2009-2010 Tentative Pats Schedule Released

Regina, Saskatchewan – After a series of long meetings this past Monday in Saskatoon, the General Managers of the 12 Eastern Conference clubs were able to put together a tentative schedule for the 2009-10 Western Hockey League season.

The Regina Pats are pleased to have 22 of 36 home dates that fall on either a Friday or Saturday, as well as 5 Sunday games. The 9 remaining games will see 6 fall on Wednesday and 3 Tuesday dates.

Here are some of the highlights:
-The Pats home opener is Saturday, September 19th, hosting the Brandon Wheat Kings.
-Breast Cancer Awareness Night and the following jersey auction is Saturday, Oct. 17th versus the Lethbridge Hurricanes.
-The Trans-Canada Clash returns this season beginning with the Sportsman’s Dinner on Thursday, January 28th. 24 hours later, the Pats will host the Moose Jaw Warriors with the back half of the home and home series coming Saturday, January 30th in Moose Jaw. The Pats/Warriors alumni battle will be earlier Saturday afternoon in Moose Jaw.
-First Nations and Metis Awareness night is Tuesday, November 17th versus the Edmonton Oil Kings.
-Fan appreciation night is Saturday, March 6th with the Prince Albert Raiders coming to town.
-The season wraps up on Friday, March 12th with the Brandon Wheat Kings paying a visit to the Brandt Centre.

With the annual Canadian Western Agribition at the end of November, the Canadian National Junior Team training camp and the World Junior Championships in December and January, the Pats will play 17 of 21 games on the road between November 14th and January 8th.

It will be a “new look” Brandt Centre in 2009-10 with a second tier added to the east side of the rink. Tickets for the new seats start at $199, and are available by phoning 522-PATS or head to www.reginapats.com.

Here is the TENTATIVE schedule (I found on Greg Harder`s Slap Shots blog... link on the right)... It is not yet set in stone and very well may change!

home road
Saturday, Sept. 19th vs. Brandon Friday, Sept. 18th @ Saskatoon
Wednesday, Sept. 23rd vs. Saskatoon Wednesday, Sept. 30th @ Prince Albert
Friday, Sept. 25th vs. Moose Jaw Wednesday, Oct. 7th @ Moose Jaw
Sunday, Sept. 27th vs. Saskatoon (6pm) Tuesday, Oct. 20th @ Prince Albert
Friday, Oct. 2nd vs. Swift Current Wednesday, Oct. 21st @ Saskatoon
Saturday, Oct. 3rd vs. Red Deer Saturday, Oct. 24th @ Swift Current
Friday, Oct. 9th vs. Calgary Friday, Oct. 30th @ Prince Albert
Friday, Oct. 16th vs. Kamloops Saturday, Nov. 14th @ Moose Jaw
Saturday, Oct. 17th vs. Lethbridge Sunday, Nov. 15th @ Brandon
Sunday, Oct. 25th vs. Swift Current (6pm) Friday, Nov. 20th @ Kootenay
Wednesday, Nov. 4th vs. Medicine Hat Saturday, Nov. 21st @ Tri-City
Friday, Nov. 6th vs. Saskatoon Tuesday, Nov. 24th @ Portland
Sunday, Nov. 8th vs. Prince Albert (6pm) Wednesday, Nov. 25th @ Seattle
Tuesday, Nov. 10th vs. Prince George Friday, Nov. 27th @ Everett
Friday, Nov. 13th vs. Moose Jaw Saturday, Nov. 28th @ Spokane
Tuesday, Nov. 17th vs. Edmonton Friday, Dec. 11th @ Medicine Hat
Saturday, Dec. 5th vs. Brandon Saturday, Dec 12th @ Lethbridge
Sunday, Dec. 6th vs. Prince Albert (6pm) Tuesday, Dec. 15th @ Red Deer
Wednesday, Dec. 9th vs. Kelowna Wednesday, Dec. 16th @ Edmonton
Friday, Jan. 8th vs. Moose Jaw Friday, Dec. 18th @ Calgary
Saturday, Jan 9th vs. Medicine Hat Sunday, Dec. 27nd @ Medicine Hat
Wednesday, Jan. 13th vs. Brandon Tuesday, Dec. 29th @ Calgary
Friday, Jan. 15th vs. Edmonton Thursday, Dec. 31st @ Kootenay
Saturday, Jan. 16th vs. Swift Current Saturday, Jan. 2nd @ Lethbridge
Friday, Jan. 22nd vs. Swift Current Saturday, Jan. 23rd @ Swift Current
Sunday, Jan. 24th vs. Kootenay Saturday, Jan. 30th @ Moose Jaw
Friday, Jan. 29th vs. Moose Jaw Tuesday, Feb. 9th @ Brandon
Tuesday, Feb. 2nd vs. Red Deer Friday, Feb. 12th @ Red Deer
Friday, Feb. 5th vs. Saskatoon Saturday, Feb. 13th @ Edmonton
Saturday, Feb. 6th vs. Kootenay Friday, Feb. 19th @ Brandon
Wednesday, Feb. 10th vs. Calgary Tuesday, Feb. 23rd @ Moose Jaw
Saturday, Feb. 20th vs. Chilliwack Friday, Feb. 26th @ Swift Current
Wednesday, Feb. 24th vs. Vancouver Saturday, Feb 27th @ Saskatoon
Friday, March 5th vs. Lethbridge Tuesday, March 2nd @ Swift Current
Saturday, March 6th vs. Prince Albert Wednesday, March 10th @ Saskatoon
Friday, March 12th vs. Brandon Saturday, March 13th @ Brandon

**All home games are a 7pm start unless otherwise noted.

Will he or won't he....

get drafted..... Garrett Mitchell wonders if his name will be called this weekend at the NHL Entry Draft.

Greg Harder has the story at http://www.leaderpost.com/sports/hockey/pats-hockey/Pats+player+Garrett+Mitchell+will+watching+draft+closely/1729424/story.html

I personally think some club should take a flyer on him and give him a chance, he's not going to be a huge goal scorer but will provide tons of grit and energy. I hope his name gets called on Saturday.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Pats Pre-Season Schedule

Edmonton Tournament
Friday Aug. 28/09 Regina vs. Edmonton 7:00 (Edmonton)
Saturday Aug. 29/09 Regina vs. Medicine Hat 11:00 (Edmonton)
Sunday Aug. 30/09 Regina vs. Swift Current 3:00 (Edmonton)

Friday Sept. 4/09 Regina @ Brandon 7:30
Wednesday Sept. 9/09 Brandon @ Regina 7:00
Saturday Sept. 12/09 Saskatoon @ Regina 7:00
Sunday Sept. 13/09 Regina @ Prince Albert 7:00

Friday Sept. 18/09 @ Saskatoon 7:05

Saturday Sept. 19/09 vs. Brandon 7:00

Odd that there isn't going to be a Pats/Wheats or Pats/Blades home and home. Season starts soon!

Note: The full pre-season schedule (along with teams' home opener's) is found at whl.ca


Pats Single Season Playoff Records: PIM

rank name season gp pim
1 Crawford, Jeff 1981-82 19 169
2 Ziegler, Barry 1979-80 19 147
3 Sorenson, Glen 1979-80 19 129
4 Tuer, Al 1981-82 13 117
t-5 Balfour, Murray 1955-56 29 97
t-5 Pascal, Brent 1981-82 16 97
7 Butcher, Garth 1981-82 19 95
8 Garwasiuk , Ron 1968-69 26 91
9 Langstrom, Bud 1979-80 22 90
t-10 Cummins, Barry 1968-69 26 89
t-10 Laird, Rob 1973-74 19 89
12 Centrone, Marc 1981-82 18 88
13 Gilbertson, Stan 1964-65 22 83
14 Markwart, Nevin 1981-82 20 82
15 Trotz, Barry 1981-82 20 79
16 Byers, Lyndon 1983-84 23 78
17 King, Al 1950-51 28 77
t-18 Gilbertson, Stan 1963-64 19 68
t-18 Hicke, Ernie 1966-67 16 68
t-20 Schneider, Tony 1951-52 22 66
t-20 Sauve, Joe 1951-52 22 66
22 Berenson, Gord 1957-58 28 65
23 Gresdal, Gary 1963-64 18 64
t-24 Schneider, Tony 1950-51 25 63
t-24 Wells, Bryan 1985-86 10 63
26 Goertz, Dave 1981-82 19 61
t-27 Statz, John 1968-69 26 60
t-27 Butcher, Garth 1980-81 11 60
29 Huck, Fran 1963-64 19 58
30 Livingston, Kelly 1980-81 11 56

Pats Single Season Playoff Records: Points

rank name season gp pts
1 Garwasiuk , Ron 1968-69 26 63
2 Litzenberger, Ed 1950-51 29 56
3 Derkatch, Dale 1983-84 23 53
t-4 Huck, Fran 1964-65 22 49
t-4 Wright, Larry 1968-69 26 49
t-6 Masnick, Paul 1949-50 23 48
t-6 Hicke, Bill 1957-58 28 48
t-8 Whittal, Bryan 1955-56 29 45
t-8 Wickenheiser, Doug 1979-80 22 45
10 Flockhart, Ron 1979-80 21 43
11 Hall, Taylor 1983-84 23 41
t-12 Cowan, Gord 1950-51 29 40
t-12 Michayluk, Dave 1981-82 20 40
t-14 Litzenberger, Ed 1951-52 22 39
t-14 Berenson, Gord 1957-58 28 39
t-14 Veitch, Darren 1979-80 22 39
t-14 Callander, Jock 1981-82 20 39
t-18 Dutkowski, Laudas 1918-19 8 38
t-18 Huck, Fran 1963-64 19 38
t-18 Sobchuk, Dennis 1973-74 19 38
t-21 Smith, John 1950-51 29 37
t-21 Hicke, Bill 1955-56 29 37
t-21 Minor, Gerry 1977-78 13 37
24 Litzenberger, Ed 1949-50 23 36
t-25 Smith, Scott 1969-70 11 35
t-25 Byers, Lyndon 1983-84 23 35
t-27 Graham, Dirk 1977-78 13 34
t-27 Blaisdell, Mike 1979-80 22 34
t-27 Derkatch, Dale 1981-82 19 34
t-27 Miner, Johnny 1983-84 23 34
t-31 Cowan, Gord 1949-50 23 33
t-31 Hay, Bill 1954-55 29 33

Pats Single Season Playoff Records: Assists

rank name season gp a
1 Derkatch, Dale 1983-84 23 41
2 Garwasiuk , Ron 1968-69 26 32
3 Wickenheiser, Doug 1979-80 22 30
4 Flockhart, Ron 1979-80 21 29
5 Litzenberger, Ed 1950-51 29 28
t-6 Masnick, Paul 1949-50 23 26
t-6 Wright, Larry 1968-69 26 26
t-6 Callander, Jock 1981-82 20 26
t-9 Sobchuk, Dennis 1973-74 19 25
t-9 Miner, Johnny 1983-84 23 25
t-11 Whittal, Bryan 1955-56 29 24
t-11 Michayluk, Dave 1981-82 20 24
t-13 Smith, John 1950-51 29 23
t-13 Veitch, Darren 1979-80 22 23
t-13 Derkatch, Dale 1981-82 19 23
t-16 Huck, Fran 1964-65 22 22
t-16 Minor, Gerry 1977-78 13 22
t-16 Varga, Brian 1979-80 16 22
t-19 Cowan, Gord 1950-51 29 21
t-19 Schall, Gary 1963-64 19 21
t-21 Hicke, Bill 1954-55 29 20
t-21 Hicke, Bill 1955-56 29 20
t-21 Hicke, Bill 1957-58 28 20
t-21 Berenson, Gord 1957-58 28 20
t-21 Piper, Doug 1964-65 22 20
t-21 Hall, Taylor 1983-84 23 20
t-27 Ottenbreit, Harold 1955-56 29 19
t-27 Wilkie, Gord 1957-58 28 19
t-27 Smith, Scott 1969-70 11 19
t-27 Sobchuk, Dennis 1971-72 17 19
t-27 Graham, Dirk 1977-78 13 19

Pats Single Season Playoff Records: Goals

rank name season gp g
1 Dutkowski, Laudas 1918-19 8 32
2 Garwasiuk , Ron 1968-69 26 31
t-3 Litzenberger, Ed 1950-51 29 28
t-3 Hicke, Bill 1957-58 28 28
5 Huck, Fran 1964-65 22 27
6 Molisky, Bill 1917-18 5 24
t-7 Litzenberger, Ed 1949-50 23 23
t-7 Balfour, Murray 1955-56 29 23
t-7 Wright, Larry 1968-69 26 23
t-10 Naismith, Harvey 1922-23 6 22
t-10 Masnick, Paul 1949-50 23 22
t-10 Litzenberger, Ed 1951-52 22 22
t-10 Huck, Fran 1963-64 19 22
t-14 Whittal, Bryan 1955-56 29 21
t-14 Hall, Taylor 1983-84 23 21
t-16 Hay, Bill 1954-55 29 20
t-16 Blaisdell, Mike 1979-80 22 20
t-18 Cowan, Gord 1950-51 29 19
t-18 Berenson, Gord 1957-58 28 19
20 Edmundson, Gary 1950-51 26 18
t-21 Hicke, Bill 1955-56 29 17
t-21 MacDonald, Murray 1955-56 28 17
t-21 Byers, Lyndon 1983-84 23 17
t-24 Acaster, Syl 1922-23 6 16
t-24 Acaster, Syl 1924-25 11 16
t-24 Cowan, Gord 1949-50 23 16
t-24 Gilbertson, Stan 1963-64 19 16
t-24 Smith, Scott 1969-70 11 16
t-24 Hogan, Paul 1977-78 13 16
t-24 Veitch, Darren 1979-80 22 16
t-24 Michayluk, Dave 1981-82 20 16
t-24 Pascal, Brent 1981-82 16 16

Saturday, June 20, 2009

CHL Import Draft looms close

I've been debating on what to say here about the Import Draft.... and I'm still not sure what I think of the draft itself but it does make the off season go by just a bit faster.

I reviewing the Pats selections in the Import draft the picks have really been hit and miss since the inception. You can find the Pats Import Draft history here.

Here are all of the Pats selections in the draft and their regular season stats with the Pats. I've ranked them best to worst:

Filip Novak
season(s)gpg aptspim
Was the Pats top defenceman on many nights. Played a smart game, killed penalties and ran the pp. Is the Pats best Import selection in my opinion.

Petr Kalus
season(s)gpg aptspim
Brought a totally different dynamic to the Pats. A European power forward that hit like a ton of bricks, could skate like the wind, demanded attention and scored goals. Probably the only true impact forward Import pick the Pats have taken.

Dmitri Nabokov
season(s)gpg aptspim
At almost 2 points per game he is one of the top in that category in Pats history. He was a great stickhandler that could pass with the best of them but for many (and I mean many) stretches he would completely disappear and was in my opinion a disappointment, but gets credit due to his huge numbers. Also had some amazing teammates.

Karel Mosovsky
season(s)gpg aptspim
Very dependable player for the Pats when he was here. Far from being flashy. Scored some goals (20+ in each season).

Matej Trojovsky
season(s)gpg aptspim
An Import that liked (maybe even loved) to fight. Was far from flashy. Was very dependable and pretty tough. I was sad to see him get traded.

Radek Duda
season(s)gpg aptspim
Started his Pats career like a house on fire but quickly faded away and the fans (myself included) weren't too upset when he was dealt (he did light it up in Lethbridge but that's the breaks).

Petr Dvorak
season(s)gpg aptspim
In all honesty I almost forgot about Petr. He wasn't good but he wasn't bad either.... Other guys could have played his role on the team.

Tomas Hricina
season(s)gpg aptspim
I'm looking for bigger things from Tomas this year. He is an amazing stickhandler that seems to have gotten a grip on the Canadian style of play.... hopefulle he can improve on his numbers.

Ivo Kratena
season(s)gpg aptspim
Was a good dependable player who was putting up good numbers until other teams caught on that if you hit him he would disappear. He was a decent 3rd liner and pk player but in no way a gamebreaker.

Rudolf Cerveny
season(s)gpg aptspim
After a promising start to his Pats career his numbers dipped and he looked out of place in the gong show 2008-09 season. As he has signed to play pro at home I do wish him well but in my opinion he is far from being a top Import. I would say he was a disappointment.

Kamil Vavra
season(s)gpg aptspim
Started good. Play tailed off and was released.

Jan Zapletal
season(s)gpg aptspim
In training camp was the Pats best skater and by far the fastest. 2 distinct memories I have of Jan are him scoring from near centre ice on Calgary's Dan Spence and Red Deer Rebel Stuart Kerr knocking him out with one punch. Sorry but that's what I remember.

Niko Snellman
season(s)gpg aptspim
Wanted to fight.... got hurt twice fighting. Wanted to hit but was tooooo slooooooow to catch anyone to hit.

Pavel Beranek
season(s)gpg aptspim
Just a blip on the Pats radar (I believe he got homesick and went back home)

Never suited up for the Pats (for whatever reason): Libor Polasek, Pavel Kriz, Stanislav Shumakov, Alexei Morozov, Alexandre Fomitchev, Martin Hanzel, Anze Kopitar, Marco Insam

I hope for the Pats sake Parker can pick an impact player the will actually want to come to the WHL. I'm at a toss up over what I would want him to pick..... a pick moving d-man or a scoring forward. If all else fails pick a kid (17) and develop him. But who am I to say what will be or won't be done.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Pats Single Season Records: PIM

rank name season games pim
1 Tuer, Al 1981-82 63 486
2 Kaczowka, David 2000-01 63 414
3 Crawford, Jeff 1981-82 63 404
4 Switzer, Erle 1977-78 49 325
5 Centrone, Marc 1981-82 51 319
6 Butcher, Garth 1981-82 65 318
7 Sorenson, Glen 1979-80 67 288
8 Wells, Bryan 1985-86 62 283
9 Kovacs, Frank 1991-92 69 274
t-10 Freadrich, Kyle 1997-98 62 259
t-10 Jackman, Barret 1998-99 70 259
12 Helperl, Jeff 1993-94 67 254
t-13 Adams, Gerad 1995-96 70 252
t-13 Graham, Dirk 1978-79 71 252
15 Grimson, Stu 1984-85 71 248
16 Laird, Rob 1973-74 68 243
17 Dosdall, Cory 1993-94 69 242
18 Daniels, Scott 1988-89 64 241
t-19 Churchman, Travis 1999-00 63 238
t-19 Minor, Gerry 1977-78 66 238
21 Ziegler, Barry 1980-81 63 234
22 Butcher, Garth 1980-81 69 230
t-23 Trojovsky, Matej 2002-03 70 229
t-23 Tuer, Al 1982-83 71 229
25 Adams, Gerad 1996-97 65 227
t-26 Thomas, Ryan 1999-00 64 226
t-26 Tudor, Rob 1975-76 72 226
28 Jackman, Barret 1997-98 68 224
29 Nicol, Cregg 1987-88 55 218
30 Freadrich, Kyle 1998-99 52 215

Pats Single Season Records: Points

rank name season games points
1 Callander, Jock 1981-82 71 190
2 Derkatch, Dale 1982-83 67 179
3 Michayluk, Dave 1981-82 72 173
4 Wickenheiser, Doug 1979-80 71 170
5 Varga, Brian 1980-81 68 160
6 Derkatch, Dale 1983-84 62 159
t-7 Huck, Fran 1963-64 62 153
t-7 Callander, Jock 1980-81 72 153
9 Sobchuk, Dennis 1972-73 66 147
10 Sobchuk, Dennis 1973-74 66 146
t-11 Hall, Taylor 1983-84 69 142
t-11 Derkatch, Dale 1981-82 71 142
13 Huck, Fran 1964-65 56 138
t-14 Endean, Craig 1987-88 69 136
t-14 Nielsen, Len 1986-87 72 136
16 Michayluk, Dave 1980-81 72 133
17 Sillinger, Mike 1988-89 72 131
18 Flockhart, Ron 1979-80 65 130
t-19 Minor, Gerry 1977-78 66 129
t-19 Sillinger, Mike 1989-90 70 129
21 Sentes, Rick 1966-67 56 127
22 Schreiber, Wally 1981-82 68 124
23 Sobchuk, Dennis 1971-72 68 123
t-24 Faulkner, Dave 1974-75 70 122
t-24 Veitch, Darren 1979-80 71 122
t-24 Iannone, Tim 1985-86 71 122
27 Dumont, Louis 1992-93 72 121
28 Lageux, Andre 1964-65 56 119
t-29 Friesen, Jeff 1993-94 66 118
t-29 Varga, Brian 1979-80 70 118

Pats Single Season Records: Most Assists

rank name season games assists
t-1 Callander, Jock 1981-82 71 111
t-1 Michayluk, Dave 1981-82 72 111
3 Nielsen, Len 1986-87 72 100
4 Varga, Brian 1980-81 68 96
5 Derkatch, Dale 1982-83 67 95
6 Veitch, Darren 1979-80 71 93
7 Derkatch, Dale 1983-84 62 87
t-8 Endean, Craig 1987-88 69 86
t-8 Callander, Jock 1980-81 72 86
10 Wickenheiser, Doug 1979-80 71 81
t-11 Sobchuk, Dennis 1972-73 66 80
t-11 Derkatch, Dale 1981-82 71 80
t-13 Hall, Taylor 1983-84 69 79
t-13 Varga, Brian 1979-80 70 79
t-15 Sobchuk, Dennis 1973-74 66 78
t-15 Sillinger, Mike 1988-89 72 78
t-17 Nielsen, Len 1985-86 66 77
t-17 Butcher, Garth 1980-81 69 77
19 Flockhart, Ron 1979-80 65 76
Minor, Gerry 1977-78 66 75
t-21 Minor, Jim 1974-75 65 74
t-21 Nielsen, Len 1984-85 72 74
23 Sillinger, Mike 1989-90 70 72
t-24 Lavender, Brian 1966-67 56 71
t-24 Joly, Greg 1973-74 67 71
t-24 Michayluk, Dave 1980-81 72 71
27 Ansell, Bill 1980-81 65 70

Pats Single Season Records: Most Goals

rank name season games goals
1 Wickenheiser, Doug 1979-80 71 89
2 Huck, Fran 1963-64 62 86
3 Derkatch, Dale 1982-83 67 84
4 Callander, Jock 1981-82 71 79
5 Huck, Fran 1964-65 56 77
6 Derkatch, Dale 1983-84 62 72
7 Blaisdell, Mike 1979-80 63 71
8 Sobchuk, Dennis 1973-74 66 68
t-9 Schall, Gary 1963-64 62 67
t-9 Sobchuk, Dennis 1972-73 66 67
t-9 Callander, Jock 1980-81 72 67
12 Sentes, Rick 1966-67 56 66
13 Iannone, Tim 1985-86 71 65
t-14 Varga, Brian 1980-81 68 64
t-14 Petrovicky, Ronald 1997-98 71 64
16 Hall, Taylor 1983-84 69 63
t-17 Derkatch, Dale 1981-82 71 62
t-17 Dumont, Louis 1992-93 72 62
t-17 Michayluk, Dave 1980-81 72 62
t-17 Michayluk, Dave 1981-82 72 62
21 Mick, Troy 1989-90 66 60
22 Faranski, Ken 1965-66 48 59
t-23 Beaudin, Norm 1961-62 52 57
t-23 Holden, Josh 1995-96 70 57
t-23 Sillinger, Mike 1989-90 70 57
t-26 Garwasiuk, Ron 1967-68 58 56
t-26 Snell, Ron 1967-68 60 56
t-26 Schreiber, Wally 1981-82 68 56
t-26 Sobchuk, Dennis 1971-72 68 56
t-26 Faulkner, Dave 1974-75 70 56

Former Pat Duval off to U of Manitoba

WHL Champion Ian Duval Commits with University of Manitoba Bisons

Lots of Pats in the news today. I hope Ian does well in CIS program and I'm sure he will. I still think of the trade that sent him to Calgary for Mike Reich.... I bet Parker is kicking himself over that one. Anyways, good luck at the U of M.


Former Pats' star (and coach) hired by P.A.

Official release from the P.A. Raider website: Dale Derkatch named Prince Albert Raiders Director of Player Personnel

Photo from whl.ca

I dunno about you but this just seems so wrong. Pats All-time leading scorer and all around good guy working for the Raiders just isn't right in my opinion. Hopefully he doesn't come back to haunt the Pats too bad. I do wish Dale all the best in his new position with the Raiders.


Getting to know Shaun Sutter

Greg Harder has some good quotes on his Slap Shots blog found in my blog list. But here's a direct link: Getting to know Shaun Sutter

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Shaun Sutter's last name didn't influence Pats

LeaderPost article found here: Shaun Sutter's last name didn't influence Pats

Looks like he's got a sense of humour:

"With my last name, there are different things that go with it, but I've always tried to do things on my own," Sutter said from his home in Sylvan Lake, Alta. "I like to make my own way in the world. There are a lot of Sutters here in Alberta. There wasn't any in Saskatchewan so I figured I better make my way out there."

I really am looking forward to next year. I think it's time for the Pats to bounce back from the alternate reality which was known as 2008-09. GO PATS GO!


Monday, June 15, 2009

It's official.... Sutter as assistant coach

It's been mentioned on a couple of other blogs but here's the official Pats press release: http://www.reginapats.com/News/644/

More on the impending hire of Shaun Sutter

Thanks to the LeaderPost http://www.leaderpost.com/Sports/Regina+Pats+hire+member+Sutter+family/1696641/story.html

My favourite quote from the article:

"I'm really proud of him," offered Brian, the eldest of the famed Sutter
brothers. "He's quite excited. He thinks (the Pats) are a heck of a team. He's
got an opportunity to learn from a guy who I think is a really good coach. The
only thing I told him is, 'Shaun, you want to be with good people,' and he's
with some good people -- the Parker family and Curtis Hunt. I couldn't ask for
any better. I'm really excited for him and I know Regina is a great junior
franchise. For him to be a part of something like that is pretty special."

The more I read about Sutter the more I like him. Hopefully he can bring something to the table that the others can't (or couldn't). I do look forward to seeing a Sutter behind the bench.


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Shaun Sutter it is

As reported by Greg Harder (Slap Shots blog).... http://communities.canada.com/reginaleaderpost/blogs/slapshots/default.aspx

Why doesn't this surprise me? It will be different having a Sutter in the home team bench. I would imagine he would bring a truck load of contacts and being a Sutter hockey will undoubtedly be part of him. I wish him luck.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Down to 2?

Greg Harder reports that the Pats vacant assistant coach shortlist is now down to 2. Dean Brockman and Shaun Sutter (Brian's kid). Mark Johnston is apparently no longer in the running.

Greg's blog can be found in my blog list. But here is a direct link to the post.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Pats Assistant Coach short-list

It is now down to 3...... From Rod's blog www.rodpedersen.com

The Regina Pats' shortlist for their assistant coach job is down to three;
Shaun Sutter, Dean Brockman and a third candidate who can't be identified
because he's currently under contract elsewhere.

There should be an announcement before long.

I'm getting antsy waiting to find out who it will be! Looks like it will be some new blood which will be a-ok with me.


Monday, June 08, 2009

2009-10: Forwards

I couldn't find a cool picture to add so I figured I would just get to it.

Now time for the forwards....

I really don’t know how to evaluate the offence from this past year. There were some ups and many downs. Eberle had a tremendous season with 35 goals in just 61 games after spending time with Canada at the World Juniors. Weal had a great rookie season posting 70 points. Streuby and Leffler both had career years but after that in my humble opinion the offence stunk. I don’t know if it was Derkatch’s style (I call it the “jail break” offence) which worked for the first 25-ish games but the rest of the time it looked sad. Cerveny really disappointed with only 6 goals, Mitchell (I can’t say he disappointed) didn’t have the breakout season many were expecting. Favreau, Mulder and Hood had good games but hardly ever played (except Hood who did get some more ice time as the season went on but needs to improve on his wheels). Czibere is a checker playing a top six role and I don’t think it worked very well.

Rudolf Cerveny (LW)
6’0”, 180 lbs.
August 6, 1989
Budejovice, Czech Republic
Acquired: 37th overall in 2007 Import Draft

-In most people’s minds Rudy had a really sub-par (if you could call it that) after having a decent rookie campaign for the Pats. Being a 2 spotter pretty much ended his Pats career and I recall reading somewhere that he signed to play in the Czech Republic.

2008-09 Stats:

teamleaguegpg aptspim
Regina PatsWHL55

Mitch Czibere (LW)
5’11”, 185 lbs.
February 15, 1989
Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta
Acquired: trade with Vancouver

-Didn’t light the world on fire with either his offence or defence. Mitch is a decent grinder but seemed out of place playing for the Pats (remember this is a fans perspective). 11 goals is good for a grinding 3rd line forward…. But when he was playing top 6 minutes you gotta have more. I see him being the odd man out in the overage battle.

2008-09 Stats:

teamleaguegpg aptspim
Regina PatsWHL53

Jordan Eberle (C/RW)
5’10”, 184 lbs.
May 15, 1990
Regina, Saskatchewan
Acquired: 7th round, 126th overall in 2005

-The Pats best offensive player the last 2 years. This guy is amazing, can stickhandle with the best of them, has a bullet of a wrist shot and can even set up his line mates with some pretty amazing passes. Now if they can find him another line mate to go with Weal they could easily be a top line in the WHL. Now for the bad news…. With the new Oiler coaching staff anything is possible for the 09-10 season. I think that he is too young and not mature (physically) enough to make the Oilers but weirder things have happened.

2008-09 Stats:
Regina PatsWHL61
Springfield FalconsAHL9

Dominick Favreau (C)
5’10”, 170 lbs.
January 15, 1992
Martensville, Saskatchewan
Acquired: 1st round, 13th overall in 2007

-I don’t know what kinds of expectations were placed on Favreau last season coming into the league as a 16 year old. I have to say I like his style of play but for many games he may have played 4 or 5 shifts. He should do fine this year and definitely increase on his point totals.

2008-09 Stats:
teamleaguegpg aptspim
Regina PatsWHL55

Graham Hood (LW)
6’2”, 198 lbs.
January 27, 1992
Martensville, Saskatchewan
Acquired: 2nd round, 23rd overall in 2007

-Very similar to Favreau as the expectations were not very high. Made the team as a 16 year old and did improve pretty much every game. He did score 6 goals but with more playing time he will become a force…. As long as he gains an extra gear and gets faster.

2008-09 Stats:

teamleaguegpg aptspim
Regina PatsWHL60

Tomas Hricina (LW)
6’2”, 198 lbs.
May 31, 1990
Kosice, Slovakia
Acquired: 27th overall in 2008 Import Draft

-Very creative with the puck. Had a decent rookie campaign with the club but needs to get a role. It seemed like he was in limbo as to what was expected of him. One game he was playing with grinders and the next he was playing with the top end guys. With an opportunity to play with the 2 Jordan’s I would expect him to fit in great giving the line another dimension (that just a thought tho).

2008-09 Stats:
teamleaguegpg aptspim
Regina PatsWHL67

Brett Leffler (RW)
6’1”, 189 lbs.
May 19, 1989
Wynyard, Saskatchewan
Acquired: 1st round, 5th overall in 2004

-Had an amazing year his true breakout year but it wasn’t good enough for the Capitals as they didn’t sign him to a contract and is now eligible for the Entry Draft for a 2nd time. I do think some team will take a flyer on him (either draft or free agent). He scored lots of goals and even seemed to will the Pats to a few wins. In my opinion he should have been the Pats’ captain last year and if we are lucky enough to get him back as an overage he should be team captain.

2008-09 Stats:

teamleaguegpg aptspim
Regina PatsWHL64

Garrett Mitchell (RW)
5’11”, 181 lbs.
September 2, 1991
Regina, Saskatchewan
Acquired: 2nd round, 33rd overall in 2006

-Can’t say I was only expecting 10 goals from Garrett I predicted him to be at or near 25 last year. I really don’t think that I’m too off base with that prediction this year. I think he was another player that never had a defined role with the club but now that Hunt is back in control I do think he will be capable of putting up some really decent numbers.

2008-09 Stats:

teamleaguegpg aptspim
Regina PatsWHL71

Kyle Mulder (C/RW)
6’1”, 175 lbs.
June 13, 1991
East St. Paul, Manitoba
Acquired: 8th round, 161st overall in 2006

-I’m disappointed that Kyle didn’t get more playing time last year as I thought he was one of the many underused players. He has decent size, grit, and does have a scoring touch. I hope that the Pats give him a bit more time to shine as I think he could very well be a surprise in 09-10.

2008-09 Stats:

teamleaguegpg aptspim
Regina PatsWHL47

Matt Strueby (C)
6’1”, 186 lbs.
September 20, 1989
Regina, Saskatchewan
Acquired: listed player

-Had a great start to the season but his numbers regressed as the team took a free-fall. Is a decent centre man and can score in close (but it seems as though he needs a rebound to get a good scoring chance). I think he is a lock as a home grown 20 year old. He will put up good numbers and help propel the Pats back in the right direction.

2008-09 Stats:

teamleaguegpg aptspim
Regina PatsWHL71

Jordan Weal (C)
5’9”, 160 lbs.
April 15, 1992
North Vancouver, British Columbia
Acquired: 4th round, 79th overall in 2007

-Had an amazing 16 year old season. Being on a line with Eberle only cemented his status as the next one as he is getting instruction from one of the best in the league. Weal will only continue to get better as the seasons go by. For someone of his stature he doesn’t appear to be afraid to play along the walls, he can take a hit and keep on clicking, has really good speed. Look for him to lead the Pats in scoring this year (or be very close to the lead depends on what happens with Eberle).

2008-09 Stats:

teamleaguegpg aptspim
Regina PatsWHL65

A New Face:
Jason Gardiner (C/LW)
6’1”, 193 lbs.
October 10, 1991
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Acquired: Trade with Tri-City

-Acquired in a trade for Neal Prokop. From all that I have heard I am interested in this acquisition. I’ve been told that he is quick, has tons of grit and has some really good hockey sense. What that means I hope he turns out to be a better pick-up than that of Prokop. Hopefully he has recovered from his leg injury fully and can compete for a job.

2008-09 Stats:
Tri-City AmericansWHL11
Selkirk Steelers

A Familiar Face:
Brayden Metz (C)
6’, 185 lbs.
April 28, 1990
Regina, Saskatchewan
Acquired: re-listed; originally 2nd round, 21st overall in 2005

-Re-listed by the Pats during the season. I hope the expectations aren’t too high with Metz coming back after a harsh 08-09 season leaving him in the SJHL. From what I have seen of him…. He’s a very good face-off guy and has some good wheels and could easily fill the checking line centre (or maybe be better now that he is returning home).

2008-09 Stats:
Chilliwack BruinsWHL3
Moose Jaw Warriors
Melville MillionairesSJHL18

The Prospects:
Tayler Balog (LW)
6’1”, 170 lbs.
April 21, 1994
Kipling, Saskatchewan
Acquired: 2nd round, 28th overall in 2009

2008-09 Stats:
Weyburn Wings
Moose Jaw Warriors

Ryan Baskerville (RW)
6’0”, 160 lbs.
March 10, 1993
Edmonton, Alberta
Acquired: 8th round, 168th overall in 2008

2008-09 Stats:

teamleaguegpg aptspim
Edmonton K of C Pats

Clarke Breitkreuz (LW)
6’0”, 166 lbs.
November 11, 1991
Springside, Saskatchewan
Acquired: listed player

2008-09 Stats:
Regina Pats
Yorkton Terriers

Aidan Crowther (LW)
6’0”, 165 lbs.
September 2, 1993
Calgary, Alberta
Acquired: 9th round, 193rd overall in 2008

2008-09 Stats:
Calgary Blazers
Calgary Northstars

Jordan Daniels [Michel] (RW/D)
6’4”, 185 lbs
March 20, 2992
Leask, Saskatchewan
Acquired: 10th round, 211th overall in 2007

2008-09 Stats:

teamleaguegpg aptspim
Martensville Marauders
SMHA AA Midget

Lucas Froese (C)
5’10”, 165 lbs.
November 26, 1992
Grunthal Manitoba
Acquired: 11th round, 233rd overall in 2007

2008-09 Stats:

teamleaguegpg aptspim
Notre Dame Hounds

Drew George (RW)
6’, 155 lbs.
April 3, 1991
Regina, Saskatchewan
Acquired: listed player; committed to play for Vernon of the BCHL for 09-10

2008-09 Stats:

teamleaguegpg aptspim
Notre Dame Hounds

Matthew Hildebrandt (C)
5’8”, 150 lbs.
November 4, 1993
Rosthern, Saskatchewan
Acquired: 7th round, 149th overall in 2008

2008-09 Stats:

teamleaguegpg aptspim
Beardy's Blackhawks

Garrett Lockeridge (RW)
5’10”, 175 lbs.
April 30, 1994
Regina, Saskatchewan
Acquired: 9th round, 182nd overall in 2009

2008-09 Stats:

teamleaguegpg aptspim
Regina Canucks

Shawn Ostrow (C)
5’11”, 175 lbs.
March 17, 1990
Calgary, Alberta
Acquired: listed player; is headed to Denver University in 2009-10

2008-09 Stats:

teamleaguegpg aptspim
Camrose Kodiaks
Missed all but one game of the 08-09 season due to a leg injury.

Dayton Reinboldt (C)
5’10”, 160 lbs.
April 23, 1993
Fox Valley, Saskatchewan
Acquired: 10th round, 215th overall in 2008

2008-09 Stats:

teamleaguegpg aptspim
Swift Current Legionnaires

Andrew Rieder (C)
5’11, 155 lbs.
August 7, 1992
Regina, Saskatchewan
Acquired: 7th round, 134th overall in 2007

2008-09 Stats:
Regina Pat Canadians
Regina Pats

Jack Rodewald (LW)
6’, 160 lbs.
February 14, 1994
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Acquired: 8th round, 160th overall in 2009

2008-09 Stats:

teamleaguegpg aptspim
Winnipeg Monarchs
MB Bantam AAA

Michael Sagen (LW)
5’10”, 155 lbs.
March 13, 1993
Kenaston, Saskatchewan
Acquired: 8th round, 171st overall in 2008

2008-09 Stats:

teamleaguegpg aptspim
Clavet Cougars
SMHA Midget AA

Chandler Stephenson (C)
5’9”, 155 lbs
April 22, 1994
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Acquired: 1st round, 5th overall 2009

2008-09 Stats:
Saskatoon Generals
SMHA Bantam AA
Saskatoon Blazers

Dyson Stevenson (C)
5’11, 145 lbs.
July 15, 1993
Shaunavon, Saskatchewan
Acquired: 5th round, 105th overall in 2008

2008-09 Stats:
Moose Jaw WarriorsSMAAAHL3616153152

Saturday, June 06, 2009

2009-10: Defence

Image borrowed from depressedfan.com

Now onto the defence.... losing Bartley will be a huge blow ice-time and pp point-wise but I never thought he got into the groove for the season and was just here to get himself a Pro opportunity. With that said good luck to him in his pro aspirations. The Dudas experiment.... in my opinion.... really wreaked havoc on the Pats D and team as a whole.

As there are a lot of defencemen on the list.... I will have notes for the veterans and rookies that I have seen play (and the ones that played sparingly for the Pats during the season).

Well here goes nothing.

Matt Delahey
6'3", 210 lbs.
September 25, 1989
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
Acquired: 3rd round, 44th overall in 2004
NHL Draft: Devils 4th round pick112th overall in 2008

– I would have to say that Delahey was probably the Pats top d-man until he got hurt which in my opinion was a real “dagger” to the heart of the Pats D . Has good size and uses it wisely. Put up some decent numbers (which wasn’t really expected). I really hope he is back in Pats blue as an overage as he will be the Pats top d-man.

2008-09 Stats:

teamleaguegpg aptspim
Regina PatsWHL576222893

Koltyn Miller
6'2", 176 lbs.
March 19, 1991
Redvers, Saskatchewan
Acquired: 4th round, 77th overall in 2006

- I really think that Miller was ready willing and able to play full time on the Pats’ blueline. He was even a PP quarterback for the early part of the season. Okay.... maybe he wasn’t super strong but he at least had some speed which the Pats didn’t have much of on the D for much of the season. I hope he makes the squad this year.

2008-09 Stats:
Regina PatsWHL3816734
Nipawin HawksSJHL1020214

Dominic Perrault
6'3", 210 lbs.
August 27, 1991
Regina, Saskatchewan
Acquired: trade with Red Deer

– Was good at times..... was bad at times. Has great size and is decent physically but really lacks speed and was burnt many times in the neutral zone (I don’t know if it was coaching or what it was but I don’t think he was ready to play full-time in the Dub). I think he may be in tough to make the team this year.

2008-09 Stats:
Regina PatsWHL2602214
Battlefords North StarsSJHL2244844

Alex Pym
6'1", 200 lbs.
March 4, 1991
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Acquired: 3rd round, 51st overall in 2006

– Improved immensely as the year went on. Has pretty good size and as the year went on he was able to seem to get better even though the team was faltering badly. Will easily be a top 4 d-man and should get some decent PP time and have a breakout year.

2008-09 Stats:
teamleaguegpg aptspim
Regina PatsWHL67381165

Mike Scarborough
6'1" 191 lbs.
April 4, 1990
North Saanich, British Columbia
Acquired: trade with Red Deer

– I don’t really know what to say about Scarborough.... As a 19 year-old I just don’t think he fits.... I’m sorry to say this but some of the kids are better than him (some by leaps and bounds).

2008-09 Stats:
teamleaguegpg aptspim
Regina PatsWHL5102216

Justin (Jay) Slobozian
6'0", 175 lbs.
January 23, 1992
Dauphin, Manitoba
Acquired: 3rd round, 49th overall 2007

– I really like this kid. I don’t think he was used properly this year. He’s fast, feisty and seemed to catch on. An unfortunate leg injury really hampered his development. I think he could have easily been a PP quarterback (as a 16) and should be in the future. I hope he is healthy for the 2009-10 season.

2008-09 Stats:
Regina PatsWHL3904439

Colten Teubert
6'4", 193 lbs.
March 8, 1990
White Rock, British Columbia
Acquired: 1st round, 1st overall in 2005

– I’m curious if I am the “fat guy eating popcorn”? I don’t think so because I don’t eat much Agridome popcorn..... sorry it had to be said. Back to topic I can honestly say I defended Teubert and his play before the World Junior’s and after them. I think he is uber talented but just lacks the foot-speed and seemed to get burned a lot during the season. I don’t actually think that Teubert’s play was affected by the World Junior experience.... people just expected him to be just that much better when he came back. I think he will have a tremendous year now that Huntsy is back.

2008-09 Stats:
Regina PatsWHL60122537136
Ontario ReignECHL801110


Myles Bell
6'0", 180 lbs.
August 19, 1993
Calgary, Alberta
Acquired: 1st round, 17th overall in 2008

2008-09 Stats:
Calgary FlamesAMHL2636965
Regina PatsWHL80110

Tyler Borstmeyer
6'3", 188 lbs.
February 23, 1993
St. Brieux, Saskatchewan
Acquired: 2nd round, 39th overall in 2008

2008-09 Stats:
Tisdale TrojansSMAAAHL41291116

Brandon Davidson
6'1", 185 lbs.
August 21, 1991
Taber, Alberta
Acquired: listed player

2008-09 Stats:
Lethbridge Y's Men TitansAMHL317142152
Olds GrizzlysAJHL40440

Aaron Enns
6'2", 190 lbs.
October 5, 1991
Campbell River, British Columbia

Acquired: listed player

2008-09 Stats:
Nanaimo ClippersBCHL3013448

Hudson Friesen
6'0", 165 lbs.
May 15, 1993
Oakbank, Manitoba
Acquired: listed player

2008-09 Stats:
Eastman SelectsWMHA - AA Midget4513243772

Shamus Graham
5'10", 171 lbs.
January 16, 1992
Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta
Acquired: listed player

2008-09 Stats:
Fort Sask. RangersAMHL335222745

Rhett Holland
no height/weight
September 25, 1993
Calgary, Alberta
Acquired: listed player

2008-09 Stats:
Calgary RoyalsAMHL3013466

Ryan Leonzio
5'9", 150 lbs.
January 20, 1994
La Salle, Manitoba
Acquired: 7th round, 138th overall in 2009

2008-09 Stats:
Macdonald Jr. TwistersMB Bantam AA5020284840

Mason Logan
5'11", 165 lbs.
June 15, 1994
Gull, Lake, Saskatchewan
Acquired: 5th round, 94th overall in 2009

2008-09 Stats:
Swift Current RaidersSSMHL266172340
Swift Current LegionnairesSMAAAHL10000

Tyler Mueller
5'8", 155 lbs.
June 13, 1994
Regina, Saskatchewan
Acquired: 12 round, 248th overall in 2009

2008-09 Stats:
Regina HurricanesSSMHL AA bantam3110132347

Tyler Pavkovich
5'11", 170 lbs.
March 10, 1993
Abbotsford, British Columbia
Acquired: 9th round, 196th overall in 2008

2008-09 Stats:
Fort Fraser BruinsBCMMHL364711105

Landon Peel
5'10", 160 lbs.
April 12, 1994
Virden, Manitoba
Acquired: 3rd round, 50th overall in 2009

2008-09 Stats:
Virden Oil KingsMB Bantam A45714711852

Jesse Roden
5'10", 155 lbs.
March 21, 1994
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Acquired: 10th round, 204th overall in 2009

2008-09 Stats:
Saskatoon StallionsSK Bantam AA5122285045

Travis Sparrow
6'3", 190 lbs.
February 17, 1991
Vanscoy, Saskatchewan
Acquired: 7th round, 140th overall in 2006

2008-09 Stats:
Moose Jaw WarriorsSMAAAHL4115677
Regina PatsWHL60002

Sean Whelan
6'0", 185 lbs.
February 11, 1994
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
Acquired: 11th round, 226th overall in 2009

2008-09 Stats:
Moose JawSSMHL2612203238

My Projected Depth Chart:
1. Colten Teubert
2. Matt Delehay
3. Alex Pym
4. Myles Bell
5. Jay Slobozian
6. Koltyn Miller
7-8. Mike Scarborough, Dominic Perrault, Travis Sparrow, Brandon Davidson
9. And so on.... Surprise project or prospect

Well that's my take on the Pats defence this year.... I don't know how accurate I am but I do say this with Hunt back behind the bench the defence will be way different and way better.

I will try to get to the forwards tomorrow or Monday.