The Blueliner turns 15 today


When I started my blog back on this day in 2009, I never thought that it would last very long, but I adapted it over to Twitter (now X) and put much of my focus there. I really neglected and I feel bad about doing that. Now feels like a good time to come, I have a plan (well kinda), and I'll do my best to stick to it.

I hope the site finds many new readers and brings back some old friends, one of whom has reached out, which makes me happy.

I'll do my best to make this the most all-encompassing Regina Pats website that I can.

Pats Coverage
Unfortunately, the media landscape has changed so much in the last few years and the lack of coverage the Pats have is terrible. I will do what I can to cover the team to the best of my ability. I will incorporate historical stats, stories, and anything I can add about the Pats. The Regina Pats name deserves it.

I have left comments open, so please feel free to write in. I'll see them all and reply as best as I can, and please leave a name or nickname. If you have any questions, thoughts, or anything along those lines, please feel free to shoot an email my way at

Pats Cast
I'm also going to keep on focusing on our Pats Cast Podcast. Chris and I have some plans, and hopefully, things can come together, the way we hope. In case you didn't know, you can find us on any podcast platform: SpotifyApple PodcastsAmazon MusicGoodpodsTune-In Radio, and Podbean. If you have anything for us to discuss on the podcast, please email us: at

Final Thought
Thanks for reading, and tell your friends that The Blueliner is back.

Please feel free to comment. If you leave a comment, please include your name or at least some sort of username so I can reply to you. Thanks for reading and taking the time to reply.

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